Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Goodbye Rat Race (well for now)

So today was my last day at work for 2012!

Let me explain why. The company I worked for wanted to “downsize” and save some money in these economically challenging times. To entice employees to leave they offered voluntary redundancy (VR) with an enhanced package. This was too good an opportunity to pass on.

I applied for VR. They accepted it.

So after 8 years and 6 days with the company, we’ve parted ways. It’s also the first time since leaving university that I’ve not been in full time employment. I’m not sad about leaving the job or company, but I do have a tinge of sadness knowing that I’ll no longer be part of the office banter. I’ve been lucky enough to have worked in a great team, with some talented people and made some good friends over the years, many of them I intend to stay in touch with.

As for having the rest of the year off, I thought it might be difficult to find a permanent job that would allow me to take 4 months out to go on my trips, so I’m treating the rest of 2012 as an extended sabbatical.

What next for me in 2012?

Well, I’m intending to put my time to good use. I’ll use it to prepare for the trips, get fitter, go hill walking, cycle, hone my photography skills, learn a language, improve at climbing, catch up with friends & family and have a thoroughly relaxing time. With all of this, I’m not sure how I ever had time for work!

So it’s goodbye to the rat race (well for now). I can honestly say that I won’t miss the 9 to 5, filling in timesheets, team meetings or performance reviews, but I’ll be back in 2013, refreshed and raring to go.

Exciting times ahead!


PS If anyone has any free time and wants to meet up for a walk, climb, have a chat or beer then let me know, I’m sure I can find an opening in my diary :-)

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