Monday, 10 September 2012

The Adventure Begins

Just a quick update to say goodbye for now and I'll be back in November.

At the end of this week I'm finally heading off on my Nepal trip, it's been a long time in the planning, but now I'm off for a couple of months trekking in the Himalaya. My plans are in place and I have Yadu of Yala Adventures to thank for helping me create a great itinerary.

On one hand, I'm a little apprehensive/nervous as this is the biggest trip I've been on and the longest time I've spent away from my very understanding girlfriend since we met. However, at the same time I'm really excited about what the next few months have in store for me. I cannot wait to immerse myself in Nepali life.

My bags are packed to the brim with everything I think I'll need for the next couple of months. I hope I've not forgotten anything as there is no more room in my bags! I've had my hair cut short, checked in for my flight and I've triple* checked that I have my passport.

This week will be a bit hectic, getting the last few things sorted, catching up with friends and saying goodbye to family, but I'm hoping to make some new friends on my travels.

See you all in a few months, for a catch up. You can keep updated with my travels at Though Facebook at or on twitter @sonnylbennett. I'll try to update regularly and where Internet access is available.

See you all soon.


* I may have checked it more than 3 times... I'm a bit paranoid about forgetting/losing my passport :-)


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